Prescott now has two active locations for City business. The old City Hall at 201 S. Cortez St. is the classic mid-century structure built in 1962. The 20,500 square-foot building is being sold for around $2.5 million, with plans to demolish it and develop a modern multi-use complex. At this writing the spokesperson for Stroh Architecture, the winning bidder, confirms that the firm has not yet completed the sale. (For more on the sale and approval processes and proposed new building, see “Replacing City Hall” in our January edition online. — ed.)
Community Outreach Manager John Heiney says the building is crumbling and irreparable. Building engineer Ryan Greene explains, “This building was originally designed to have a second floor. That second floor has lasted as a roof for fifty years. I can tell you I could take my kids up there with skateboards and they would have a heyday,” motioning with his hands describing the waves in the roof. “There are leaks everywhere. … When we finally move, I’ll be the last one out of here, and I’ll condemn this building.”
The new City Hall, built in 2006 at 201 N. Montezuma, is a three-story building recently purchased by the City, which will continue leasing the first floor to National Bank of Arizona and Wells Fargo Advisors. The City has moved its human-resources department to the second floor, and the city manager, council and council chambers to the third floor. Both floors are newly remodeled to suit the departments. There are plans to eventually house all City offices at the new location. Heiney says that navigating the existing leases and development agreements is part of the moving process, and could take years to complete.
A walk-through
The new building has a large parking lot accessible from Willis and Montezuma Streets, with a ramp for wheeled access. Once in the main entrance, an elevator takes you to the second or third floor, or you can opt for the adjacent stairwell.
On the third floor as you exit the elevator you’ll see photos of the Mayor and Council over a table with handout copies of the current Council meeting agenda. With its expansive views, the floor hosts the offices of the city manager and Mayor as well as Council ofices and chambers, which is to the right and down a long hall from the elevator. That room seats 144, with four video screens to assist the audience and Council. Its four picture windows, open to the north, give the room a spacious, modern feeling, and the chairs are very comfortable.
Heiney says the only concern he has heard voiced by the public is the public meetings on the third floor. Getting up the elevator or stairs is a consideration, but with the extra seating and planning ahead for the few extra minutes, there has been no mention of it being a problem so far, and meetings have been well attended.
For any general questions in the new building, Executive Assistant and Special Projects Coordinator Amber Fraser is available at the information desk on the third floor, through a doorway to the immediate left from the elevator.
One interesting program designed to foster community participation and awareness of City departments and operations is called Citizen’s Academy. During the eight-week session, up to 35 community members meet on Wednesdays from 5-8 pm at various locations to learn about City functions. Dinner is included. To find out more or sign up, email
For the time being, residents will still pay utility bills or file for building permits in the old building. Staff in both those offices say there is no set date to move to the new location. There is plenty of parking on the south side of the building, off Cortez near the drive-through window and in front of the only entrance doors still open. (The main entrance on Cortez has been shuttered due to security concerns, as that area of the building is now mostly vacant.) The permitting office has announced that private development-plan reviewers will be available to customers and the general public on Wednesdays. Hours for all other services, including both buildings and the utility drive-through, are 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday.