Publisher: John Duncan
Editor: Steven Ayres
Associate Editor: Abby Brill
5enses is Prescott’s premiere publication for art, science, ideas and community. We’re a family-owned monthly publication that’s been releasing quality original content since 2013. We are locally and independently owned, compensate every contributor, and are entirely funded through paid advertisements. We also print locally.
Our free publication is available in more than 300 locations in the greater Prescott area and is available in coffee shops, restaurants, bars, hotels, college and university campuses, more than a dozen public newspaper boxes, and similar high-traffic locations.
5enses prints and delivers 5,000 copies on the first weekend of every month. Given the industry-standard pass-along rate of 2.5, that’s 12,500 unique readers per issue.
We sponsor, support, and partner with community events. 5enses also provides editorial space to local groups and nonprofits including the Prescott Audubon Society, Prescott Astronomy Club, Highlands Center for Natural History and Peregrine Book Co.
Talk to us about nonprofit pricing.