March 2025
A Gem in the Central Highlands
Highlands Center offers so much for the entire community

Recently I made a significant change in my life: I became the operations director for the Highlands Center for Natural History. Many of you have likely visited the Highlands Center, or at least heard of it. While I had been here multiple times and was well aware of the amazing work they do in our community, I still wasn’t fully prepared for just how impressive the Highlands Center and our staff truly are.

The Highlands Center has a longstanding partnership with Prescott National Forest.  Through that relationship we lease 80 acres of land under a special-use permit. On ‘our’ 80-acre slice of beautiful pine forest we focus on guiding our community members in “discovering the wonders of nature” found right here in the Central Highlands. We pursue this mission through youth summer camps, adult-education classes, and 365 days of free access to our Discovery Garden and PNF-linked trail system, just to name a few ways we serve the community.

Although the Highlands Center is only a five-minute drive from the intersection of Walker Road and Highway 69, some might assume this proximity to the heart of Prescott limits the amount of resident wildlife. But you’d be mistaken. As anyone who reads my Bird of the Month column may expect, I’ll start with the birds. They’re everywhere! Even I have been surprised at the sheer volume of bird activity on any given day.

If I arrive early enough, I’m often greeted by a beautiful adult Cooper’s hawk that loves a specific ponderosa snag to the east of our admin building. From her perch she meticulously scans the surrounding forest for her next meal. Juncos are omnipresent, and I’ve recorded three separate varieties here: Oregon, red-backed, and gray-headed. Acorn woodpeckers are common, along with both white-breasted and pygmy nuthatches flitting through the Ponderosa crowns. Western bluebirds, American robins, and hermit thrushes round out the thrush species, and I’ve even been pleasantly surprised by the consistent presence of seasonal red crossbills in a specific forest nook.

Additionally, a quick trail walk from the Highlands Center to adjacent Lynx Lake reveals a whole new set of aquatic birds, maybe even a bald eagle!

Our Community Science team does excellent work documenting birds and other wildlife. With the help of a few strategically placed wildlife cameras they’ve recorded mammalian species such as mule deer, raccoons, three different skunk species, chipmunks, Abert’s squirrels, a variety of rodents, and even a frequent bobcat. They even captured an amazing four-sequence set of images showing a successful hunt involving a bobcat and a local chipmunk.

Looking ahead it’s only a matter of time before species such as black bears, Coues deer, mountain lions, and maybe even coatimundi (ringtailed cats) appear in our pictures! Personally I’m rooting for a badger to show up.

In short, the Highlands Center for Natural History is truly a gem in Arizona’s Central Highlands. Come meet our amazing staff (the first thing that drew me to this location) and pick their brains about any nature-related topic you have in mind. While you’re here, consider joining one of our informative programs, such as the Colored Pencil Drawing Series or our Nature Book Club, headed by Education Director Maria Icenogle. Maria and her Education Team do impressive work both at the Center and throughout the community, especially in partnership with PUSD and other schools in the region.

If you have children, our Forest Play program with Jenny Wulf is an incredible opportunity to get your kids outside. You might also consider our Youth Nature Camps, which are currently open for registration.

At these events you can connect with other amazing people in our community while deepening your appreciation for the Central Highlands. If you’re so inclined, consider becoming a member, which can be done in combination with our close partners at the Heritage Park Zoo. Volunteer opportunities abound, allowing you to join the team that keeps the Highlands Center doing the critically important work we accomplish every day.

Currently we are working on some big, multi-year efforts to enhance the Highlands Center, so there has never been a better time to check us out!

At the end of the day, though, if you simply want to come and take your dog for a walk on our amazing trail system or explore our ADA-approved Discovery Garden paths, we look forward to seeing you and sharing this special part of Arizona with you!

Ryan Crouse is Operations Director of the Highlands Center for Natural History. More at

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